#EVOLUTION. Nuevos tiempos. Nuevas oportunidades.

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#EVOLUTION. Nuevos tiempos. Nuevas oportunidades.

ICT FILTRATIONHemos evolucionado nuestra imagen corporativa. Manteniendo nuestra esencia de fabricantes comprometidos en ayudar a los industriales a progresar de forma respetuosa con el Medioambiente y las Personas, la nueva imagen proyecta la solidez de 30 años de experiencia aportando soluciones de filtración a los industriales, refleja lo que somos y queremos ser, responde a la nueva realidad que nos rodea y rodeará, y nos facilita las «alas» que necesitamos para seguir volando alto y lejos.
La nueva imagen expresa nuestra internacionalización, la fiabilidad de nuestras soluciones y la promesa de unos estándares de calidad fundamentados en métodos de fabricación optimizados y un modelo de organización basado en la responsabilidad individual y colectiva.
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ICT FILTRATION PRESENTS #EVOLUTIONICT FILTRATIONOur corporate image has evolved. Remaining true to our essence as manufacturers committed to helping industries to progress while caring for the environment and for people, our new image projects the solidity of 30 years of experience supplying filtering solutions to industry, reflects what we are and what we want to be, responds to the new realities that we face now and in the future and gives us the “wings” we need to carry on flying high and going far.
Our new image expresses our internationalisation, the reliability of our solutions and the promise of quality standards founded on the best manufacturing methods and an organisational model based on individual and collective responsibility.
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ICT FILTRATION PRESENTS #EVOLUTIONICT FILTRATIONOur corporate image has evolved. Remaining true to our essence as manufacturers committed to helping industries to progress while caring for the environment and for people, our new image projects the solidity of 30 years of experience supplying filtering solutions to industry, reflects what we are and what we want to be, responds to the new realities that we face now and in the future and gives us the “wings” we need to carry on flying high and going far.
Our new image expresses our internationalisation, the reliability of our solutions and the promise of quality standards founded on the best manufacturing methods and an organisational model based on individual and collective responsibility.ICT FILTRATIONICT FILTRATION PRESENTS EVOLUTION
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