Isabel Pastor
Quality Manager
“With live music!”
In my life, there’s something more than just being “the woman from Quality”, and that’s music. I love music. Everything from medieval music to the most outspoken rap. So maybe I’m a bit eclectic.
This eclecticism is also the root of another passion: travelling. Whenever I can, I slip away to a new place. The place is not the important thing; it’s the path along the way from where I am to where I’m going. It’s between these two points where you can have the truly enriching discoveries, where you can experience other realities.
My day-to-day is spent among papers (although increasingly less paper thanks to digitalisation): standards, audits, process analysis, monitoring, incident resolution, etc. Compliance, the set of procedures and best practices used by organisations to identify and classify risks, involves mostly “silent” and in many cases even “invisible” tasks. But the truth is, these have a very positive impact on workplace health and safety, the quality of products and processes, the corporate environment, and much more. And that also makes me feel good.
In these tasks, I strive to be empathetic and communicative, aware that these are approaches and skills that are necessary to transmit the company’s goals on every level and to every level the enterprise. Involving the whole team in these ideas and goals that propel us forward offers a great challenge, one that excites and motivates me.
Isabel Pastor
T. + 34 93 464 27 64